In Memory of






Condolence From: Theresa Bolton
Condolence: Debbie, Ed, Kim & Family- May God hold you in his arms and carry you through this challenging time. I am so saddened by the loss of Bernie, but so relieved that he is no longer suffering. I hope that you eventually find peace in the beautiful memories made along life's path with him. With Sympathy, Theresa Bolton
Monday November 20, 2017
Condolence From: Bill and Sharon Gravelle
Condolence: Rest in Peace my friend. As kids Bernie lived a couple of streets from me and we attended the same schools and church. Both graduating in the same class. Both of us came from hard working middle class families and that created a base for our friendship. After graduation we both went into the service and went on to get married. As time passed we lost contact with each other. Over the years we would talk politics, religion, weather and tell stories about the past on the phone(not sure Bernie could turn the computer on). I never told him but I enjoyed those talks and looked forward to them. A couple of things that stick in my mind about Bernie are: 1) As kids he had a reel tape recorder while the rest of us had 45 records. He had an extensive collection of music and enjoyed listing to the classical. Even as a kid Bernie didn’t follow the crowd. He made his own path in life. 2) Bernie was a true conservative and felt everyone should work and not be given a free ride. If you didn’t know him very well. You would think he was being tuff but under that exterior he had a heart of gold. He was a modern Archy Bunker (for those younger than 60 google it). 3) We could talk an hour about our tractors and how we put them to the test. Bernie won when he told me he had rolled his over. 4) Most important was his love for family and his religion. The last few months we would talk about dyeing and how he was prepared. He had made peace with the Lord and was not sad about the end being just around the corner. Farwell my friend and some day we will listen to the classical again. However, I hope to give you time to get a good collection of music. Your Friend, Bill
Saturday November 18, 2017
Condolence From: FLORENCE AMEY
Saturday November 18, 2017
Condolence From: ED and Millie Elmandorf
Condolence: DEB, Kim, ED and family, our hearts are broken at the loss of "Bernie". A very special friend and neighbor. He will be greatly missed and forever in our hearts. Deepest condolences! with thoughts and prayers, love Ed and Millie
Saturday November 18, 2017
Condolence From: Jon Goldberg
Condolence: Deborah, Ed, Kimberly, So sorry for your loss and the pain of watching your husband and father suffer. Keep him in your thoughts and memories often. Think about the good times and a lifetime of love together. Talk about him, tell stories about him even write about him just keep him alive in your mind and heart. I'm here if you need anything, Jon
Friday November 17, 2017
Condolence From: Ellen Hawkins, Monique, Tiffany, Al Jr. and Little Al
Condolence: Debbie, There is no greater remembrance than to know that God granted you the express privilege of sharing so many wonderful years with Bernie. The two of you touched so many lives in a gracious manner. May we all look forward to continuing that relationship in the earth-made-new. Our deepest sorrow but profound hope of joining you there.
Friday November 17, 2017
Condolence From: Cheryl J Skinner, WV Patriot Guard
Condolence: May the love of God surround you and your family during this difficult time, May you come to know that the love of God is with you always, May your memories of Bernard C. Rabideau, give you peace, comfort and strength… Rest now in the arms of our Lord your mission on earth is complete. I thank you for your service to our Country and my Freedom. You will not be forgotten.. My thoughts and prayers to the family of …. US Air Force Veteran, Bernard Charles Rabideau, is “A True American Hero” God Bless† † Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 †
Friday November 17, 2017
Condolence From: Mary Jane and Bill Buel
Condolence: Our thoughts and prayers are with you all Debbie,Bernie is flying high with the angels,his memory will live on with us all forever. Truly a wonderful man has gone to be with the lord.🙏🏻
Thursday November 16, 2017