In Memory of





Condolence From: Elizabeth
Condolence: I was very sorry to read about the passing of Mr Wilcox. And my heart hurts even more at the thought of the pain of his family at this time. Since Jesus compared death to sleep (John 11:11-14), something that brings me comfort is knowing that there is no cozier & safer place to be than taking a 'nap' in God's memory until the time he promises to awake these loved ones we have lost in death to be reunited with us (John 15:28,29), right here on an earth restored to his original purpose of perfect peace, health, & happiness (Psalm 37:11). And the fact that He then promises to get rid of death forever, tenderly wiping away all the tears it has caused (Isaiah 25:8), so we never have to worry about losing our beloved ones again. What a beautiful day that is to look forward to, being able to once again hold these ones we love & miss so dearly in our arms, & be held in their arms again too, & to know we can then do so under such perfect conditions forever. (Psalm 37:29) I pray God gives you comfort, strength, & peace to get through until that time. It's just around the corner. Every day that passes is one day closer. Sending hugs.
Monday November 27, 2017
Condolence From: Roger Drosd
Condolence: Ron Wilcox was the best teacher I ever had. (No disrespect to the many other fine teachers and professors I have known.) The first day I entered his class at Newport, he made a wry quip about my brothers who had preceded me, and I instantly knew I had been accepted into the fold. I still tell stories of his creative and inspiring teaching style. I recently pulled from my file cabinet my original drawings and detailed plans for a coffee table I made in his class in 1968. I still have the coffee table, and my brother still has the matching end table he made a couple years before. My love of craft continues to this day with woodworking and metal, and I often think of “Willie” as I work on a project. (The bottom of the table better look as good as the top...) Besides teaching us important skills of working with our hands, he also incorporated history/anthropology with model-making projects of historical machines. We learned the importance of working together with a project where we had to form a “corporation” to mass-produce an item (one for each student) in one class period. This was progressive stuff, but I just thought it was fun. His insistence on detail and procedure helped me to focus on the task at hand. His discipline (Thanks to the Navy??) was always measured and fair. I’m sure it helped to prevent accidents and injury in a shop environment that most modern schools have now banned over liability concerns. I was never the recipient of a flying eraser, but I can vouch that it did occur and always evoked a few smiles. He welcomed girls into his class at a time when it was rare. His favorite response to a boy interrupting him while he was speaking to another student was “Are you bleeding?”. A few years after I graduated, I went back to visit Ron in his classroom at Parkland. He reminisced a bit about earlier years at Newport, and we had a few laughs. I can think of no greater legacy for a teacher than the character, skills and memories that Ron fostered in his students. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been his student, and his family can certainly be proud of his achievements. We need more teachers like him.
Thursday November 16, 2017
Condolence From: Nancy T.
Condolence: Mr. Wilcox was an excellent teacher and an excellent human being. He was very thoughtful and very encouraging. He gave me the confidence I needed to make my jewelry box. He also made sincere comments that made me feel good about myself in general. Just what a Jr. High / Middle schooler needs to hear. Rest peacefully dear Mr. Wilcox. Thank you for your service!
Sunday October 29, 2017
Condolence From: Steve Mikulski
Condolence: I have a special place in my heart for Ron. I started teaching in 1968 at Newport Junior HS and Ron was my mentor. We worked together for many years until he eventually left to teach at Parkland. Ron was a great teacher and kids really liked him. I learned so much from him in the early days of my teaching career. I will always have the memories of our classroom adventures, and the times we spent at his house in Rockville. Rest in peace, Ron. My condolences to his family.
Friday October 27, 2017
Condolence From: Jean Musgrave (Young)
Condolence: I remember Mr. Wilcox from Newport Junior High in the early 70s as a gentle and patient man who taught our Industrial Arts class. I think my Mother still has many of the projects we made in class. One was a colored rose attached to a wood base. I send my thoughts and prayers to his family.
Friday October 27, 2017
Condolence From: Mrs. Edwards
Condolence: I am so very sorry to read about the passing of Mr. Wilcox, I hope that your family will find comfort in the God of all comfort Jehovah. I too have felt the pain of losing a loved one, and know matter how much time we may have had with that person it's never easy to say goodbye. I would like to share a couple of scriptures that helped me get through such a difficult time. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you,'declares Jehovah,'thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope. we can see here that Jehovah God never want us to feel the way losing our loved ones makes us feel he wants for us all to live peacable and be happy with a bright future. Revelation 21:4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry, nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away... What a wonderful time we all have to look forward to when no one will ever again get sick or die. I invite your family to please go to where you can find out more about Gods puropse for mankind and how you can see your loved one again.
Tuesday October 24, 2017
Condolence From: Cheryl J Skinner, WV Patriot Guard
Condolence: May the love of God surround you and your family during this difficult time, May you come to know that the love of God is with you always, May your memories of Ronald Jean Wilcox, give you peace, comfort and strength… Rest now in the arms of our Lord your mission on earth is complete. I thank you for your service to our Country and my Freedom. You will not be forgotten.. My thoughts and prayers to the family of …. US Navy Veteran, Ronald Jean Wilcox, is “A True American Hero” God Bless† † Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 †
Tuesday October 24, 2017