In Memory of





Condolence From: Elizabeth
Condolence: My deepest heartfelt condolences to the Swartz Family. Losing ones we love is by far the most heartbreaking thing in life to bear. Two scriptures I find comfort in about the promise for the near future are John 5:28, 29, which promises that "the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will.. come out", followed by the beautiful time that Revelation 21:4 describes: "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore." A beautiful time our loved ones who are "sleeping" in death (John 11:11-13) will come back to life & to us right here on an earth of restored peace & health in the near future (Psalms 37:11,29), & we'll never have to worry about losing them again (1 Corinthians 15:26). I hope you'll find comfort in looking forward to the fulfillment of those promises as I do, & knowing he is not suffering but is at rest until you can hold him in your arms, healthy & happy, once again very soon, for all eternity.
Monday February 29, 2016
Condolence From: Jackie
Condolence: Often we loss loves ones to death and we feel hopeless not knowing how to cope. The Bible at Psalm 65:2 calls God the “Hearer of Prayers.” By praying to God he can give us “power beyond what is normal” to go from one day to the next.
Tuesday February 02, 2016
Condolence From: Mark Weisenburg
Condolence: Im sorry to hear of Richards passing. Growing up in Leetown my father visited the Swartz farm often as Richard and my father were very good friends and I always welcomed the chance to tag along on those visits. I have a lot of good memories of Richard and the farm. Always a very pleasant man and always willing to answer my questions about the farm animals. The world needs more men like this. We will keep you in our prayers.
Monday February 01, 2016
Condolence From: Rick Wine
Condolence: So sorry to here about Richards passing. He was a good guy he could always make me laugh. My thoughts and prayers with the family. Rick
Monday February 01, 2016
Condolence From: Chris and Dave Mayne
Condolence: Dear Phyllis and family. We were so sorry to hear of your losing Richard. Hadn't seen you in a while and could not find how to get in touch with you. Missed you at Cedar Grove and wanted to touch base. I had no idea he was sick...Our condolences and prayers for God's comfort and peace to all. Phyllis, Rodney, Luke, Dee, Charlene, and Martha. I remember you all fondly. Also Ruby Kerns whose husband used to drive for us at Alex Chev. may God bless you all. in Christian love, Chris and Dave Mayne Cedar Grove Christian Church
Saturday January 30, 2016
Condolence From: Libby Weisenburg Spaeth
Condolence: To all of the family I am so sorry for your loss and may God's comforting arms of love and peace be with you and around you during this time. Dick was a wonderful friend to my dad and mom when I was growing up and my brother helped him with harvesting hay during the summer when out of school. God bless you all.
Saturday January 30, 2016
Condolence From: Tammy Rennie
Condolence: I took care of Mr. Swartz as his full time night shift nurse. He made a lasting impression on all of our hearts and he will be missed. Many prayers and thoughts to his family. May God comfort and keep you.
Saturday January 30, 2016
Condolence From: Trammell & Jeanie
Condolence: Dee and family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Phyllis. Take comfort in the knowledge that your loved one is whole again and with his Heavenly Father. I enjoyed talking with him about milking the cows and hearing how very much he loved his family.
Saturday January 30, 2016
Condolence From: Marlene (Grove) , Dale and Scott Walker
Condolence: Dear Phyllis and family, So sorry to hear of Richards passing. I pray God gives you strength and peace to endure!!! He had a caring heart and a great sense of humor...which is something I remember when he and Phyllis would visit with my folks (Charles and Margaret Grove) through the years...BUT I was SO blessed to have them come and visit mom routinely when she was sick and I was there taking care of her. Their visits meant a lot to her...and to me as well. It meant I could laugh, chat and forget just for a moment that I was losing her. I have never forgotten what they did during that time....and I know the Lord saw it and blessed them!!! Rest now day that trump will sound and you will be called home!!!! So blessed to call you FAMILY....hugs to you ALL!!!
Saturday January 30, 2016
Condolence From: karen zetts and family
Condolence: im sorry for your loss admire you for taking care of everyone so much
Friday January 29, 2016